Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Free post (Government strategy about Arresting young girls )

Remember I talked about propaganda, so now I want to talk about government's strategy about arresting young girls because of not wearing proper hi jab.
There is a theory in economics, that if you make something illegal, people will have more incentive to do it no matter what is the cost of their actions. Iranian government wants the young girls to wear inappropriate scarfs and they wants them to have bad hi jab, they are not allowed to wear colorful clothes and are not allowed to be fashionable.Young girls always think about showing off their body and attracting more people so they don't have time to think about politics and how bad is their government and society if their minds are involved in something else which is fighting with society and being obsessed with their appearance .As a result government can make sure that it has stable position. Usually revolution arises from young boys and girls so government want them to think about everything except politic and how bad is their government's act in different situation.
I should say that although this is a horrible thing that Iranian government is doing, they are reaching their goals, because young girls only think about showing off their body and wearing some clothes that they are against the law, Young girls do this stuff and they don't think about the consequences of their actions, for example they can be arrested but they are not really afraid of that.In summary, I think we shouldn't believe this propaganda. We should wear a scarf that is acceptable in Islamic religion and after we should think about our society's and government's problem and try to talk against this problems, because there are lots of problems like inequality ,discrimination, inflation and so on.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Arresting Iranian women

The video that I got is from Iranian news called 20:30 because we watch at 8:30pm. This video is about arresting Iranian girls because of bad hi jab( If you don't know what is hi jab just take a look at my blog) and it is showing that the policewomen are really kind and they talk to girls really polite but that is totally untrue. I was in Iran for 17 years and I also went to Iran this winter break and I saw that these policewomen talk to girls in an unacceptable way and they are acting impolitely but this video is showing something different. This video is a pro-governmental video and the reason that government published this video was that Iranian girls were really scared because they knew the consequences of really bad hi jab can be lashes and many other frightening things . There is another thing in the middle of the video, the policewomen asked a girl to come to the police bus to answer some questions but she refused and the policewomen said that it is ok you can go, this is impossible because if your hi jab is bad, they will take your picture and if you have a bad hi jab again they wont let you to immigrate or move to other country and you have to stay in Iran for a long time .Actually you won't have the admission to exit the country or travel. so that was the reason the girl refused to get into that police bus . This was all about the bias but I should also mention about propaganda because if you ask some professional politicians they will tell you that Iran is working with us to change the regime or start a new war or maybe a revolutions just like 27 years ago and we shouldn't believe that propaganda because we want safety we don't want anything else . I just told you that by putting pressure on people they are going to start something new just like 30 years ago that they did something similar and they changed kingdom regime to a Islamic regime with the help of US.

Monday, February 11, 2008

One of the worst things about women’s right in Iran is the huge difference between men’s and women’s right in different cases.
As you know, if you kill someone accidentally, you have to pay blood money to the family of the person killed.But in Iran if a woman is killed this money is half the amount that they pay for a man.In other words Killing 2 women = 1 man.
Another example is that women don’t have the right to divorce unless they have really good reasons for example if their husband has a mortal illness or is addicted to drugs they can ask for divorce. However, men can divorce their wives really easily and without any specific reasons and good evidences.
These were some bad point now let’s talk about some good points, A married woman in Iran has some thing called mehrieh (in Persian language) which both families decide about it before the wedding and it is some think like money or anything which can be cheap or really precious and valuable, women have the right to get their mehrieh whenever they want from their husband but usually they request it after they divorce their husband.It is something like alimony but it is agreed on before marriage and also the difference is that even if the couple are married a woman can ask for her money or whatever it is agreed on.
Another important thing that I should mention is that a lot of people in North American countries think that women and even men have a lot of problems in Iran and they are in really hard situations but that’s totally wrong. As a person who has lived in Iran for 17 years I should say that it’s not tough to live in Iran and I really love my country and I know that my country deserves better so that’s why I’m making this blog.
For example I heard in news (CNN) that if a boy and a girl walk together in the street they will get into problem but that is totally wrong because I have hooked up with my girlfriend a lot and nothing happened as well as my other friends. So when we watch something in news we don’t have to believe it we can just search for it at first because there are a lot of women in Iran that they are happy and we are always talking about the unhappy ones.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How to eradicate legal violence against Iranian Women

This is something about women's right that I translated it from persian to english

Writer's name: Hossein Shirazi July,31, 2007

How to eradicate legal violence against Iranian Women
Crime, trespassing other's right, drug addiction, divorce, scaping home, murder and suicide are not accidents that happen once in a while in our society. These events represent a violent society which is the product and result of poverty, unawareness and patriarchal culture and society. Violence is a sociological matter which jeopardizes the health of the society and in this cycle, children and women are the victims. Violence is the main mechanism to preserve the unequal power between man and woman and is the result of patriarchal structure of the society. This structure has its roots in all the organizations and social and cultural relations. It has been legalized and sustained through laws.Unadequate interpretations with the use of religion is the major barrier to adjudicate women's right. In this culture, humans are divided based on their sex and female sex is inferior. In order to further women's right, we should recognize different aspects of this culture and fight with it.
Legal barriers to eradicate violence against Iranian women:
After enduring lots of violence and brutality, when a woman asks for divorce she faces with discriminatory rules. Most of these women belong to the lower class of society and do not have any professional and financial supports. Law never supports women who are the subject of physical, mental and economical violence. Women want to have the right to ask for divorce but men have the monopolistic right to ask for it. Husbands have the right to divorce their wives whenever they want but when the desperate wives want to divorce their husband as a result of violence or polygamy, they have to give up alimony and pay for the cost of court and lawyers.
When women witness a crime scene, their testimony is considered as a half person. It means that two women's testimony is considered as one man's. So law abandons them.
Women want to be capable in economical and financial matters but they face with sex discrimination. Their husbands have the authority to control their professional choice.
One of the clearest examples of legal violence the justifiable homicide of a married woman who has sexual relation with another man. While polygamy is legal in Iran and law give legal right to men to have as many wives as they want. Children and women are the victims of this law.
So in order to lessen violence against women, we need to look for legal barriers and find solutions to modify rules.
Source: Aftab newspaper

My opinion: I chose this article because I thought that the author is telling the truth and he is honest because he is writing about something that he sees in society. The problem is if you search in the Persian news and newspapers, they only talk about the problem which is women's doesn't have the right to do anything they want but they never talk about how we should solve this problem. A lot of people think that if America attacks Iran everything will be ok and that is totally untrue and stupid because if you think about Iraq's situation you will see that America made the situation even worse with raping and killing and they made Iraq an unsafe place to live, thats why people in Iraq live in fear. This is something that we should solve together by changing our way of thinking about women's right and equality and we should start with ourself and treat our wives and daughters in a acceptable way and after that maybe we can help other people to treat women better. This something that we should solve together and we can do it without government help. For example Iran's president wanted to fight against discrimination and he couldn't solve it and he made it even worse so we should solve this problem be elimination violence against women in Iran and that will be a giant leap to develop in the future.

Note: If you want the original persian source just ask me so I can send it to you because unfortunately I dont have the URL

Friday, January 11, 2008

Women's right in Iran

A lot of European and American countries are worried about women’s right in Iran.
They say that women don’t have freedom in Iran and they are under the pressure of the Iranian regime. Also a lot of people think that all of these pressures are because of the Islam and they say Islam limits women’s right and put them under the pressure but the question is Are this things true or not? .
These are some Iranian women’s problems:
1: Hijab(The Islamic veil worn by Muslim women, sometimes including a veil that covers the face except for the eyes)
2: The difference between the women’s and men’s death penalty in Iran
3: Not being allowed to go to some public places like stadium
4: Not being able to participate in sport and musical events
5: The right to get divorce in Iran is usually by men not by women
6: Sighe (Men have the right to have relationship with other women (friendship and sexual relationship) even if they are married or lets say bigamy is legal in Iran.
And a lot of other things that I will go through it.

1: hijab
In Islam you have to wear a scarf because Islam wants women to be protected and that was true and fair enough many years ago in Arabic countries but in this modern world women are safe because of policemen and securities and sometimes young girls want to be fashionable and attractive. Nowadays women in Arabic countries have the right not to wear a scarf (except in Mecca city) but in Iran you have to wear a scarf.The reason is some political issues that has along story. Another important thing is that before the Islamic revolution(27 years ago) when we had a king women had a right to come out of their homes without wearing scarf however, a lot of people wore scarf because of their religion which was Islam.
We have studied in economics that if government makes something illegal people has more incentive to that thing just like in Iran which a lot of young girls don't like to have hijab.
I should say that this is a small part of the women's problem in Iran. There are more problems that they are even more important and we should be worried about that one's.